Frequently Asked Questions
How much are your kittens or cats? These are "Pet Only" prices with spay/neuter completed.
In 2024 unfortunately we had to increase kitten prices, due to the high cost of proper vet care and testing all kings and queens to ensure healthy kittens. ReallyCoons will only use trusted veterinarians. Please know this is expensive for us, and the biggest investment is the time and love we instill into each kitten!
We DO NOT currently sell any breeding rights; this will however change in the future.
Kitten prices are based on pairings starting at $3400 (plus 6% Michigan sales tax included).
Please do not ask if prices are negotiable. Holidays, Vacations, time with family, and countless weeks of sleep are missed to raise these babies.
We do maintain an L.L.C.
We are Vet Recommended by multiple offices.
Standard Colors start at $3400.
Smokes start at $3600.
Silvers start at $3600.
White kittens start at $3400. White with blue eyes being the most expensive.
Pick of the litter/show kittens start at $3600.
Shaded/High Silver or Smoke start at $4000.
Polydactyly's start at $3400.
Kitten Prices do not change according to AGE!
Occasionally, we may have a retired king or queen their price range is from $1000 to $2500. Know that these retired cats were fully tested from top to bottom to even enter our breeding program. Their contract will be different from a kitten.
Do you sell breeding rights?
Unfortunately, no we do not sell breeding rights at this time. We will in the future. Only breeders with the same ethics and morals with their cats as ours will be able to obtain them.
Do you have a waitlist?
We maintain NO RESERVATION LIST but we do offer applications for pre-approval. The approved applications will have priority over the general public. It is YOUR responsibility to contact us if you see a kitten you would like to reserve, and your application is approved. It is impossible for us to remember who wants what and if you haven't already found your kitten. As these are living creatures, we can’t guarantee what gender or when a color of your choice is born, nor if you are wanting only polydactyl. Unfortunately, Mother Nature may take its unforeseen course and we would never want to break your heart, so no deposits are accepted until after litters are born and at least 4-6 weeks of age, with the exception of White kittens, a small number are reserved prior to pairing . This list will contain a maximum number of potential adopters of six and will close until next pairings. We cannot guarantee Blue eyes due to the rarity or if a kitten will remain in our nursery.
Return clients will receive a $100 discount on their next kitten if purchased within 6 months. Unless otherwise discussed. However, pick of litter, Smoke, High Silver/Shaded colors do not qualify. If two kittens are purchased at the same time, we will offer a better incentive.
ReallyCoons does maintain the right to retract the sale and refund the full purchase price if deemed necessary.
Do you allow visitors prior to purchasing?
No, we are a CLOSED Cattery. This means we do not offer stud services to other breeders or visits to our home until the day of pick up. We have no problem using Facetime or sending a personalized video with your kitten and your name in it.
Why? We do everything in our power to limit exposure to viruses and parasites that can be walked into our home. We may have pregnant queens or new kittens on the ground at any given time and would be heartbroken if anything were to happen to them that we could have prevented. Our cats are raised inside our home and not in a separate building or facility. We dedicate an immense amount of time towards our cats health to provide the very best possible outcome. New clients will ask if they can visit with kittens and choose which kitten they bond with the most. Unfortunately, they are sold long before any visit or bonding experience would happen. This is why our application process is important for us to make sure you are getting the exact personality of kitten or cat that will fit into your home or with your lifestyle. We will remain a "Closed Cattery" for our own safety as well. We will gladly do everything we are capable of to make you feel comfortable and safe about picking one of our furbabies.
Some Education in Maine Coon coats
Many people ask “Why is one cat fluffier than another?” and “Why does one have a mane and another no mane?” I can help you understand some of the reasons why. I posted some photos below of Lazarus and Tut to show the differences. One reason is “Summer coat” or “Winter coat.” As you can see below some pictures show my boys with less of a mane and sleeker fur. These are photos in the summertime here. The fluffier and full mane photos are at the peak of winter here in Michigan. The same applies for kittens. Kittens have a “kitten coat” or their “first coat” of fur they are born with, then they transition into their adult coat. During this time the once fluffy kitten you have can lose their mane or may not grow one until after 1 year of age. Kittens also go through what’s called and “awkward” stage during this transition. So don’t be discouraged if the once fluffy kitten or the not so fluffy kittens fur starts looking different. With growth and age a Maine Coon with develop it’s true coat.

Lazarus as a kitten with his "kitten coat"

Lazarus with his "summer coat"

Lazarus with his full "adult and winter coat" at 4 years old

Tut as a kitten with his "kitten coat"

Freya as a kitten with her "kitten coat"

Tut with his "summer coat"

Tut with his "winter coat" at 3 years old

Freya with her "awkward kitten coat"

Freya with her "adult and winter coat"